Monday, March 9, 2015

Legalizing recreational marijuana

By  Alvia Cherrington

What excites you about your research?
I have been contemplating on what angle to approach the subject of marijuana. However, as I have been researching this drug I have come to realize that I may have bitten into something  much bigger than I had anticipated. There are so many controversies surrounding this drug, and though I do not condone using marijuana for pleasure, I am still in support of legalizing its recreational usage in Illinois (which is a paradox in itself).

What problems or road blocks are you encountering?
Because of its controversy, I am finding it difficult to come up with an argument that will not be biased. There are research that supports its medicinal use, but because of the fear of addiction, the medical profession does not seems to want to take a firm stand or seem to be in one accord. I also find that there is a stigma being generated against those who use marijuana. To me, this is hypocritical since cigarettes and alcohol are being used for recreation too. My research has uncovered that cigarettes and alcohol are even more addictive.  In addition, there has been proof that alcohol intoxication was less when used in conjunction with marijuana. There are also inferences where suicide rates have gone down for states where marijuana is legalized.

Is there a plan to get through these issues?
Marijuana has been termed "the gateway drug." However, could it be that certain personality types are more prone to addiction? As I continue to ponder about this drug, I am inclined to argue about legalizing the recreational use (with parameters and consequences). Legalizing recreational marijuana will require extensive re-education of the public in order to remove the stigma of marijuana usage as a crime. 

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