Monday, March 9, 2015

Research Problems


By David Garcia

While doing research for this paper one of the most exciting things for me would be the fact that I’m doing something in regards to immigration. Both of my parents were born in Mexico in different areas and wounded up in Chicago.


 While doing this research some problems I do come across would be what information would be best for writing this paper. Another complication that comes to mind would be if  I should do a personal interview for all my relatives as in aunts, uncles, and grandparents because they all had the same experiences but also saw it in a different perspectives; or just stick to my parents. Also knowing how to start the paper itself will be a challenge.


While there is no “definite” plan at the moment for doing this paper, getting these personal interviews done within the next couple days would be key in the next step of the process of writing this paper.  

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