What excites you about your research?
![Image result for mothers and children](https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcReY8LmaSHXf9XfpSqu321T_i1Wsje8EYcBw1fmXwl1fLaBCVrfwQ)
The question to my research paper is whether or not working mothers spend too much time working and not enough time with their children. I'm eager to find out the results to my topic because I feel as if I'm one of the children who doesn't see her mother often due to my mothers work schedule. Comparing and contrasting my relationship with my mother to others who also have hard working mothers. How grades differ, along with the support at sporting events, and how they tackle day to day problems.
What problems or road blocks are you encountering?
![Image result for children alone](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQvYFXJTXj7gO_OEJYep_q1mxleHa7qph2BfWONGAeYixEC7t_u)
In the attempt to find research I'm having a hard time finding articles or stories in United States. Skimming through the articles many took place in Europe or people's stories were in china or Japan. The lives of these children will greatly differ from mine from the start along with those in
The Working Poor.
Is their a plan to get through the issue?
My plan to get through this issue I am encountering is to focus a lot of my attention on my surveys. My survey's are aimed towards a specific group of people rather than such a broad group.
![Image result for surveys](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYGyjzyyn59d4nMV8ZQIteGd7Kd2PjwmMPED_CPEhlcN9snoTbvw)
-Daisy Diaz
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